Sunday, September 28, 2014

Import to Unity 3D

This is part 2 of the turtorials on how to use my modular blends found at Blendswap (

Part 1

First of all I have to say that this might not be the best way to do it, but it's a way that works at least.
I wont write all the details on how to handle Unity since that's covered in so many other places.

So this is how I do it:
  1. Create a folder in the Unity 3D project that's called <Project>/Assets/Objects
  2. Put all the exported FBX-files in that folder. A material folder will be created automatically in Unity. (Image 1 & Image 2)
  3. Create a folder called <Project>/Assets/Prefab (Image 3)
  4. Create a folder called <Project>/Assets/Texture 
  5. Copy all the textures needed into this folder. I'm not sure how it will work when the textures are part of the blend-file as is required on Blendswap. When I do this I have the texture files not being packed with the blend-file. (Image 4)
  6. In unity go through all the objects and set the scale factor to 1 (Not sure why it's defaulted at 0.01!). Also check Generate Colliders so that it's not possible to walk through the objects when running the scene. (Image 5)
  7. Create prefabs of the objects.
  8. Place the prefab in the scene.
  9. Select the prefab in the scene and open it up by clicking on the down arrow.  (Image 6)
  10. Select the subobject that you want to change.
  11. If you want to hide the subobject then click on the little checkbox left of the name in the inspector. (Image 7)
  12. If you want to change the material then drag and drop one of the existing materials onto the one already attached to the subobject. It's also possible to create a new material and use that instead. (Image 7)
And that's how it's done!

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6
Image 7

Export FBX in Blender

One of my projects was to design a modular way to add lots of buildings in Unity 3D. Many of those objects are found at Blendswap. I've been asked many times to do a tutorial on how to use them. I've been planning to do it for a while now, but I guess it's time now. I've decided to do it in written form instead of video.

First step. How to export modules from Blender.
  1. Open the Blend-file you want to export from.
  2. Hide everything that shouldn't be exported if needed.
  3. Click on Export under the file menu followed by the filetype you want to export to. I use fbx when I export to Blender. (Image 1)
  4. A page will show up where you enter basic things like name and where you want to save the file. If parts of the blends have been hidden it's important to check Selected Objects in the property panel or everything will be exported. (Image 2)
  5. Click on Export FBX and the file will be exported.

Image 1
Image 2

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Decisions and The Painted Wench

For a very long time I've wanted to build some kind of village/town/city and have a camera fly through it. I've had many ideas and been going back and forth between fantasy, historical and sci fi. Since I don't really know the best way to do it, I've also been thinking a lot about how to do it. Should I build many lowpoly buildings, or divide building into reusable sections or what's the best way.
Whenever I play a game I try to look at how they build it and especially using the Skyrim construction tool helped me a lot. So I finally decided to go for a kinda traditional fantasy village.
Instead of just jumping into it like I've done so many times before, this time I started by writing down information about the village.

I used the very handy tools at to create a living village. First I created a civilization then I went on to create a panteon, the flag of the country and the village itself. That included what merchants is available as well as a tavern. When I was all done and satisfied I had quite a clear view of what the village would be like.

The first building I created was the tavern which is called The Painted Wench. It's quite a decent tavern which is popular with the locals as well as travelers. There's a few rooms for those who wants to stay the night.

I reused some of my old work but most of it was built looking at Skyrim and pictures online.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

First entry

For the past years I've on and off been trying to learn digital arts, 2D as well as 3D. I created this blog to document some of my work.